Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Boring Birthday..

Hello there~
How are you?


On Sunday, my birthday, there happened to be a picnic within the frame of a Japanese fashion and music meet-up. So I decided to join! I mean what's the point sitting alone at home on my birthday, anyways.. (* ̄o ̄*)/ I wore a black ouji-inspired outfit! Sadly there are no usable photos of it.

However I really don't feel like 19..
It was cool to see some of my friends again, though! \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Sadly not all of them were that talkactive..

Here are some pictures!

Delicious food made by my friend Miko!

Birthday cupcakes made by friend Momo! ♪

Birthday cake made by my friend Takeru!

My cute Miss Bunny fan! ♥

Today's breakfast~ ☆ミ


I'm so happy we've got Easter holidays at the moment. Still there's so much to do.. I'm nearly done with my project on Japanese fashion, though! Yush!~

And finally, a picture of myself wearing GEO Princess Mimi Brown lenses! They're so fake yet so cool!

Patrick ☆ミ


  1. Happy Birhtday for Sunday! Ah! Each year we get older and wish it wasn't so!

    Those contacts are lovely! I was looking to get a pair of those and the Choco ones, but maybe they are too big for my small eyes XD

  2. I wish I were there at the Japanese stuff get together! I'd be your good talking friend hahaha;D You look very pretty and coolヾ(=^▽^=)ノ

  3. Happy Birthday!!~ aww your hair is getting better!!!

  4. Thank you Kairii, Minnie and Yapo! <3
    You're too kind! X3

  5. Happy belated birthday!! Hope you live long happily and healthy ( ^ x ^ )/!!

    Do post pictures of your fashion assignment when you're done :D!!

  6. Thank you! I probably will. But I'm worried about my work being stolen or anything! I'm really paranoid about such things. ;w;

  7. happy birthday ! you look so cool

  8. Sorry to hear that the birthday ended up being boring for you xO, but I think as you get older birthdays usually get a bit 'meh'. Unless it's a giant-crazy party or something :S

    The food looks really delicious though! ^^


  9. Thankies PinkJuice and Damien! :DD

  10. happy belated birthday! those cupcakes look so delicious *w*
