Sunday, 3 April 2011


Hello dear blog readers,
I'm sorry for not blogging last week.
I currently am really busy with school assignments! I'm finishing my Lolita collection at the moment and I also have to write 25 pages for textile technology... (;´д` ) Next Friday I'll attend the open day of yet another University. Travelling is so expensive!
However last week I sold my BJD Ayori to my friend Irene, who is now taking care of her. With the money I decided to get my own SLR camera. The Nikon D40 I had, was shared between me and my brother. And since he lives about an hour away it was hard to handle. I found a nice deal for a Canon EOS 500D though, and since my birthday is about to come I decided to go for it!

I'll get it sometime next week! Looking forward to it! ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ

And I also got new shoes. I ordered some discounted sequin sneakers from! Although they are a tiny bit too big, they are really awesome. They only were about 11€.

Finally, me camwhoring. I'm wearing my oversized denim shirt! I think it was my grandpa's.( ´∀`) And those are not my real glasses yet. I'll get those sometime next week, too.

I'm afraid I won't be able to post that much in the next few weeks. I hope you'll understand!
Take care!~

Pato ♡


  1. Cool looking camera! I'd like to get a quality cam too('-'*)

  2. @natsi: Thank you! I really like them too! x3
    @Minnie: You should save up for a SLR too! They're worth it in the end :)

  3. I hope you come back soon >w< !!
    and the camera is so cool, i'm saving for a dslr too XD

  4. kamera = gute wahl! ich hab die selbe und bin sehr glücklich damit <3
