Wednesday 2 February 2011

Belated X-mas Pressie from my friend ♥

Hello dear blog readers,

On Monday I got a kind of belated Christmas present from my friend.

My friend is really supportive and she's into nail-design and fashion!
She ordered the stuff about 3 weeks before Christmas but it didn't arrive until last week! Screw the shop's shipping service. (*´ο`*)=3 But I must say I love surprises and this was really a great one!~~

O(≧∇≦)O This was one of the best pressies this Christmas~

There are several deco cabochons, some pearls and a deco choco-sauce painter ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ
I'm really looking forward to working with these!

Thank you for reading♪



  1. wieso habe ich keine freunde die mir sowas schenken? ;3;
    total süß die sachen <3!
    (die deco choco sauce hab ich auch, aber irgendwie leider noch nicht so richtig verwendet ._.)

  2. Aw! ;o; Naja die Sauce hält leider nicht so gut auf meinen Sahnehäubchen. Aber ich hab trotzdem Verwendung dafür! :D
